Hey! I’m Anastasiya

I hold the said suitcase


“never the lowered banner, never the last ENDEAVOR”

Hey – I’m Anastasiya! 

I’m not a digital nomad. I did not drop everything, sell all of my earthly possessions overnight and hop the first flight to South East Asia. Actually, I have a full time career in finance.  However, I am also insanely curious and have a borderline debilitating travel bug that I simply cannot shake. For me, travel is an ongoing, delicate balancing act.

Travel has always been a big part of my life (thanks mom, thanks dad!) and, over time, has morphed into one of my biggest passions. It has shaped my life and way of thinking. I now speak four languages, lived in four countries and visited over 50 others. It has become the underlying theme, sometimes loudly and boldly and others as just that subtle, white-noise hum. Based between London and NYC, my aim is to continue to explore and to share my findings with you.

I also happen to love cooking and creating and replicating recipes inspired by the places I've been. To me, it is a window into a culture, a moment, and a place. Something that I can make and share with people around my dining table, as we come together and connect over the flavours.

And now, I am sharing some of these digitally with you, too.

From my kitchen to yours - I hope you enjoy the recipes.

Thank you for visiting!